ATWOOD, Margaret (b. 1939) and Charles PACHTER (b. 1942)
Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: Charles Pachter at Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1966. (12 3/8 x 9 1/2 inches). Prints interspersed with text on a series of folded sheets of handmade paper. Signed by Pachter on colophon page, within protective buckram board case (13 1/4 x 10 inches).
Housed within original a custom cloth chemise and fine modern full black morocco box.
Artist's proof for a Edition limited to 15 copies of a collection of poems by Margaret Atwood, which reimagines the perspective of Dr. Frankenstein from Mary Shelley's novel through a series of poetic speeches, notable for its unique artistic collaboration with illustrator Charles Pachter.
Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein is a collaborative work between renowned Canadian author Margaret Atwood and Canadian artist Charles Pachter. It was produced as an artist's book made with materials found around Pachter's home with the prints created from combinations of blocks of wood and linoleum, silk screens, and certain found objects. This unique collection combines Atwood's thought-provoking poetry, which delves into themes inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, with Pachter's whimsical and evocative illustrations. The poems chart the process of the monster's creation as it emerges into being through the hands of Dr. Frankenstein. The collection explores the complex twinship between creator and creation, reflecting on the responsibilities and consequences inherent in the act of creation.
Item #41799
Price: $7,500.00